Category: Season 5

126 – Time’s Arrow, Part 1

Grade: B Summary The Enterprise has been recalled back to Earth because of some interesting evidence that has been uncovered. The cave where they’ve discovered...

125 – The Inner Light

Grade: A Summary The Enterprise discovers an ancient probe, floating in space. Suddenly, the probe sends out a signal and attaches itself to Captain Picard....

124 – The Next Phase

Grade: B Summary The Enterprise receives a distress signal from a Romulan ship. Riker, LaForge, Worf and Ro transport over and find the ship in...

123 – I, Borg

Grade: B+ Summary While investigating the Argolis Cluster, the Enterprise comes across a wrecked ship. Dr Crusher, Worf and Riker beam down to the surface...

122 – Imaginary Friend

Grade: D+ Summary A child on the Enterprise has an imaginary friend. Then, while investigating a nebula around a neutron star, a shiny red object...

121 – The Perfect Mate

Grade: C- Summary The Enterprise is helping two groups of aliens in their dispute. They will meet on the ship midway between their planets, so...

120 – Cost of Living

Grade: C- Summary Captain Picard destroys an asteroid that is threatening a planet, but a metal-eating parasite invades the ship. Counselor Troi advises Worf and...

119 – The First Duty

Grade: A Summary While en route to Starfleet headquarters on Earth, Captain Picard receives a message from Admiral Brand. Wesley Crusher has been injured in...

118 – Cause and Effect

Grade: B+ Summary The Enterprise is damaged – the controls aren’t working, and Commander Riker orders all personnel to emergency escape pods. The warp core...

117 – The Outcast

Grade: B Summary A race of androgynous aliens asks Captain Picard for help to find their missing shuttle. Picard orders Worf to send out a...