74 – The Best of Both Worlds, Part 1
Grade: A Summary The Enterprise responds to a distress signal sent by one of the most remote Federation colonies. When the ship arrives, they are...
73 – Transfigurations
Grade: C Summary The Enterprise detects a crashed ship on an alien planet. There is a single alien occupant who has suffered serious injuries. Much...
72 – Ménage à Troi
Grade: C+ Summary The Enterprise has been hosting a trade conference, and for the first time, the Ferengi have attended. One of the Ferengi in...
71 – Sarek
Grade: B+ Summary The Enterprise is hosting a conference with a little-known alien species, and one that is not well understood. The Federation is also...
70 – The Most Toys
Grade: C+ Summary The Enterprise is delivering a hazardous material to a world that desperately needs it. Because it is too dangerous to use the...
69 – Hollow Pursuits
Grade: B Summary A self-conscious Lieutenant named Reginald Barkley is now on board the Enterprise. Instead of attending to his duties in the engineering section,...
68 – Tin Man
Grade: D+ Summary The Enterprise must transport a Betazoid male named Tam Elbrun to a star that will soon become a supernova. Apparently, there is...
67 – Captain’s Holiday
Grade: B+ Summary Captain Picard spends a short vacation on Risa. Shortly after arriving, he meets Vash, a rogue archaeologist who is searching for an...
66 – Allegiance
Grade: B- Summary Aliens abduct Captain Picard from his quarters, and he wakes up in some kind of prison resembling a lab. Joining him are...
65 – Sins of the Father
Grade: B Summary A Klingon commander named Kurn comes aboard the Enterprise as part of the Federation’s Officer Exchange Program. It doesn’t take long for...